Sober living

Sober living

Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression Effective for Up to a Year for Most Patients, Study Shows

These fungi have opened the door for many to step into the world of psychedelics, and magic mushroom imagery permeates popular culture—some argue that the story of Alice in Wonderland can be read as a metaphor for a perception-altering mushroom trip. While people rarely report physical symptoms of withdrawal when they stop using the drug, […]

Central Nervous System CNS Depression: Know the Facts

This suggests the potential importance of neurexins transsynaptic complexes to sustained antidepressant effect. Therefore, this review generalizes and clarifies the important role of synaptic plasticity in sustained antidepressant effect. These drugs are used to treat pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, can alcohol make your hot flashes feel worse during menopause and stress. Your central nervous system […]

What is gas station heroin? Here are the health risks of Tianeptine

The goal, Rutherford explains, is to construct a “recovery story” built from both qualitative and quantitative data for each individual seeking support. He states that research shows that family-based support for addiction recovery is critical but often not obtained. Yet sustained, personalized recovery services are essential because treatment is just the first step toward growth […]